Course Description

This five-class course will explore approaches to self-understanding but the inner work will be up to the student. No one can teach you who you are. All we can do for each other is to share our lives and inspire each other to ask this basic of all questions. We can inquire together.

This course will study how various traditions understand the nature of the human being. It is designed to facilitate student’s personal exploration through philosophical and psychological approaches. The following will be explored: Judeo-Christian, Indigenous, Perennial Wisdom, Mystical Traditions, Buddhist, Hindu, transpersonal and developmental psychological approaches. Then students will be encouraged to choose one approach, exploring more deeply who they are.

Teachers who have engaged in serious self reflection are more sensitive, compassionate and effective in the classroom.

Founder & President

Ellen Hall

Ellen Hall’s experience in education includes serving as Principal of Oak Grove School (K-12) of the Krishnamurti Foundation of America and co-founding Mountain View High School in Ojai California. Earlier she was cofounder of Laurel Springs Independent Study Program and the Cottage Coop Nursery School in Pasadena California. She wrote and published “High Schools in Crisis, What Every Parent Should Know” in 2004. Ellen left her position as the Executive Director of Meditation Mount in Ojai California to serve Alma full time.Ellen served as Mayor of the City of Ojai, California, was the Executive Director and Co-founder of the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy and President of the Ojai Valley Green Coalition. She was the Director of the Ojai Valley Museum. Ellen graduated from Antioch University in Santa Barbara California.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Class 1: Introduction

    • Introduction to Who Am I? Course

    • Class 1 Video Introduction

    • Class 1: Segment 2

    • Class 1: Segment 3

    • Class 1: Segment 4

  • 2

    Class 2: Am I the Body? Am I the Emotions?

    • Class 2: Segment 1

    • Class 2: Segment 2

    • Class 2: Segment 3

    • Class 2: Segment 4

    • Class 2: Segment 5

    • Class 2: Segment 6

  • 3

    Class 3: Am I the Mind? Dis-identification Meditation

    • Class 3: Segment 1

    • Class 3: Segment 2

    • Class 3: Segment 3

  • 4

    Class 4: Wisdom of Indigenous People, Theosophy and Tibetan Buddhism

    • Class 4: Segment 1

    • Class 4: Segment 2

    • Class 4: Segment 3

  • 5

    Class 5: The "I Am" of the Soul

    • Class 5 Video