Course Description

A soul-centered teacher is one who has taken the time to explore the depths and wisdom of their own soul. It is through such personal explorations that the teacher emerges with a heightened awareness of the language of the soul and how to adapt that language in their role as a teacher and facilitator of children’s learning processes.

During this experiential course, you will establish a Soul Contact and develop a level of Soul integration which will enable you to relate to others on a soul to soul level.

Suggested Reading: The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer.

Instructors: Soul to Soul Communication

Theresa de Riggs and Greg Tzinberg

Greg Tzinberg has been a teacher of meditation for over 30 years and has an abiding passion for working with people who want to build a conscious relationship with the soul. Greg has a Master’s degree in Applied Behavioral Science with an emphasis on organizational learning and performance. He has worked with executives, managers and employees in leadership, coaching, communications, change management and team performance within several Fortune 100 and other companies and organizations. Greg is a recognized Lay Teacher in the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and a long-time student of Lucille Cedercrans known for her ground-breaking work, “The Nature of the Soul”. Through his spiritual and professional training and experience, Greg brings a unique skill-set and methodologies for helping aspiring soul-centered educators connect, soul to soul with themselves and their students. Currently, Greg has been offering classes, workshops and retreats on Loving Kindness in Action with co-teacher Theresa de Riggs. Together they have traveled throughout the U.S., Australia, Costa Rica and Europe. Theresa de Riggs has been leading classes since 2004 focusing on soul to soul communication to empower the evolution of each individual. Theresa founded the Akasha Retreat Centre outside of Melbourne, Australia for mind-body healing through meditation, yoga and counseling, helping people adopt healthy and life affirming choices in their day to day life. As a mother, grandmother and teacher, Theresa is well acquainted with both conventional modes of learning and how to apply a soul, mind, brain alignment to engage a new dimension of learning through soul to soul communication and the science of impression. Together they show teachers how to connect with their own souls in order to help students know their own soul. Their teaching are based on the foundation that loving kindness is the foundation of the new world education.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction: Soul to Soul Communication

    • Introduction: Course Guide

    • Introduction to Greg and Theresa

  • 2

    Class 1: I am the Soul Here and Now

    • Class 1: Course Guide

    • Class 1: Segment 1

    • Class 1: Segment 2

    • Class 1: Segment 3

    • Class 1: Segment 4

    • Class 1: Segment 5

    • YOUTUBE VIDEO: Thich Nhat Hanh on Compassionate Listening

    • Class 1: Segment 6

    • Class 1: Meditation Audio - The Voice of the Soul

  • 3

    Class 2: The Circle and the Dot – the Heart of Inspiration

    • Class 2: Course Guide

    • Class 2: Segment 1

    • Class 2: Segment 2

    • Class 2: Segment 3

    • Class 2: Segment 4

    • Class 2: Meditation Audio - I am the One and the Many

  • 4

    Class 3: The Joy of a Soul Centered Life

    • Class 3: Course Guide

    • Class 3: Segment 1

    • Class 3: Segment 2

    • Class 3: Segment 3

    • Class 3: Segment 4

    • Class 3: Meditation Audio - The Teacher is in the Heart of Learning

  • 5

    Class 4: Your House of Mirrors

    • Class 4: Course Guide

    • Class 4: Segment 1

    • Class 4: Segment 2

    • Class 4: Segment 3

    • Class 4: Meditation Audio - Turn around in the Deepest Seat of Consciousness

  • 6

    Class 5: Our Diamond-like Self

    • Class 5: Course Guide

    • Class 5: Segment 1

    • Class 5: Segment 2

    • Class 5: Segment 3

    • YOUTUBE VIDEO: Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

    • Class 5: Segment 4

    • Class 5: Meditation Audio - The Ho'Oponopono Technique

  • 7

    Class 6: The World of the Soul

    • Class 6: Course Guide

    • Class 6: Segment 1

    • Class 6: Segment 2

    • Class 6: Segment 3

    • Class 6: Meditation Audio - The Wave of Love Technique

  • 8

    Class 7: Soul to Soul Communication

    • Class 7: Course Guide

    • Class 7: Segment 1

    • Class 7: Segment 2

    • Class 7: Segment 3

    • Class 7: Segment 4

    • Class 7: Meditation Audio - Cave Meditation

  • 9

    Class 8: The Silence of the Soul

    • Class 8: Course Guide

    • Class 8: Segment 1

    • Class 8: Segment 2

    • Class 8: Segment 3

    • Class 8: Segment 4

    • Class 8: Segment 5

    • Class 8: Segment 6

    • Class 8: Meditation Audio - The Teaching Alignment

  • 10

    Class 9: Group Consciousness and the Learning Process

    • Class 9: Course Guide

    • Class 9: Segment 1

    • Class 9: Segment 2

    • Class 9: Segment 3

    • Class 9: Segment 4

    • Class 9: Meditation Audio - The Teaching Alignment

  • 11

    Class 10: Intuitive Course Design

    • Class 10: Course Guide

    • Class 10: Segment 1

    • Class 10: Segment 2